

Mission is sent in Twitter『LongRangeBullet』 for iOS , Android

LRB_Header02One-sided snipe!
The snipe is an overwhelming advantageous attack!
Hear the information from an observer!
A new mission is conveyed every day by a command module.
Aim at the best score!

[application summary]
・There are a city, a factory, various stages including the desert.
・The latest mission is sent in Twitter.
・One time of mistake of the snipe has a chance shooting it again.
・I can watch the war situation of the same mission by ranking. tweet, please do your score!
・When a communication state is bad, it becomes the practice. (the ranking is not added up.)

Download LongRangeBullet in AndroidGoogle_play

Download LongRangeBullet in iOSApp_Store


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